How to – An Instructional Mini-series for All – Episode 1: Desk Based Assessments.

How to – An Instructional Mini-series for All – Episode 1: Desk Based Assessments.

Today Archaeology Grrl releases the first episode of the mini-series ‘How to…’. This collection of original videos provides information, guidance and resources on different elements of archaeological, classical and historical research and professional pathways. The aim of the series is to create a playlist of instructional videos that anyone can reference and re-watch at their own pace. Each video will […]

WHAT’S IT LIKE? Episode 5: Prof. Amy Smith – A Specialist in Art History, Ancient Greek Ceramics & Classical Antiquities.

WHAT’S IT LIKE? Episode 5: Prof. Amy Smith – A Specialist in Art History, Ancient Greek Ceramics & Classical Antiquities.

Interviewee: Prof. Amy Smith. Interviewer: Bunny Waring. Date: 18th June 2021 Welcome to the mini-series called What’s it Like? Originating from my work with the Classics Department, University of Reading, these episodes include interviews of staff, volunteers and students from across the globe, who specialise in all the different fields of academic and commercial studies in Classics, Archaeology and Museums. […]

WHAT’S IT LIKE? Episode 3: Dr Claudina Romero Mayorga – A Specialist in Sensorial Archaeology in Museums and Classics.

WHAT’S IT LIKE? Episode 3: Dr Claudina Romero Mayorga – A Specialist in Sensorial Archaeology in Museums and Classics.

Interviewee: Dr. Claudina Romero Mayorga. Interviewer: Bunny Waring. Date: 16th April 2021 Welcome to the new mini-series called What’s it Like? Originating from my work with the Classics Department, University of Reading, these episodes include interviews of staff, volunteers and students from across the globe, who specialise in all the different fields of academic and commercial studies in Classics, Archaeology […]

21st Century Classics – Why Bother?

21st Century Classics – Why Bother?

If there is one thing Lockdown number 5,409 has taught the collective ‘us’, it’s adaptation. With enforced periods of dull, gray nothingness, Covid has presented many of us with time to think, reflect and redirect our unspent energies. As an experienced archaeologist and a relatively green Classicist, I find myself confronted more and more with questions such as Why is […]

An Introduction to: The Nereid Monument

An Introduction to: The Nereid Monument

Introduction In 1848, antiquarian Charles Fellows began directing an excavation on the south-west coast of Turkey. Inspired by ancient literary descriptions of the socio-political influence of Lycia during the Persian Wars, Fellows began searching for material remains of the key Lycian settlement, Xanthos.[1] During the excavation, large stone fragments surrounded by the rubble of carved stones were discovered, just outside […]

Whoomp! There it is.

Whoomp! There it is.

Archaeology Grrl has been a little quiet recently. The pandemic chaos has halted all excavations and rearranging all teaching. It has produced an intense level of work and anxiety for all involved and so I thought now would be the ideal time to improve my online presence. And so, on this sunny afternoon in England, I am happy to announce […]

Dunyvaig Castle, 2019 – Overview

Dunyvaig Castle, 2019 – Overview

The 2019 excavation at Dunyvaig was immensely successful. The discovery of: new buildings, special finds, wall foundations, stairways, floor surfaces and middens allowed for some solid new theories on the chronological story of this important site. In Trench 2 specifically, the Sea Gate Crew had been working around the clock to uncover as much as possible of the new building […]

Dunyvaig Castle, 2019 – Week 1

Dunyvaig Castle, 2019 – Week 1

The University of Reading has kicked off its second field school of the year at the site of Dunyvaig Castle. The castle is situated on the South-East of the Hebridian isle of Islay and except for last years UoR evaluation, there have been no previous archaeological excavations on the site. So far, 6 trenches have been opened. The main trenches […]

Silchester Bath House 2019 – Week 4 (Contains images of Human Remains)

Silchester Bath House 2019 – Week 4 (Contains images of Human Remains)

Once again the University of Reading’s Archaeology Department has done a sterling job organising and running a field school for its students. Alongside undergraduate and postgraduate students, local residents, archaeology enthusiasts, A-Level students and long-time Silchester volunteers arrived to help excavate, record and decipher the Roman Bathhouse of Calleva. The areas opened in 2019 were a combination of extensions from […]

Silchester Bath House 2019 – Week 3

Silchester Bath House 2019 – Week 3

Upon my return from the Eternal City, I gathered my site-gear and head out into the fields of Silchester Roman town. Everyone has been working very hard and after setting up my tent and meeting this years students, I found myself in the midst of teaching in week 3 of the excavation. All three trenches are now well underway with […]