The trenches have been working full steam ahead this week with the new students settling into their roles and gaining confidence in recently acquired skills. Layers have been cleaned, photographed, planned, sampled and levelled in all three trenches. Trench 1 had a wonderful discovery of a seal bearing the name of John Campbell of Cawdor. This name has belonged to […]
Dunyvaig Castle 2018 – Breaking News!
The press release is now out and so I can finally share with you all some wonderful news! We have found the seal of John Campbell of Cawdor! With an engraved date of either 1598 or 1593 (the jury is still out), this seal is an exquisite archaeological find that is both rare and highly informative. Either date would corroborate […]
Dunyvaig Castle 2018 – Week 1
Students from Reading and Highlands Universities joined visitors and locals alike, creating a community for the breaking of ground at Dunyvaig. Tens of people turned out to help de-turf two trenches laid out inside the castle walls. The day was a huge success and marked the beginning of the first season of Dunyvaig’s Archaeology Field School. Since the 12th August, […]
Dunyvaig Castle 2018- A Little Note
And so let the second half of Archaeology at the University of Reading Field School commence! Our next instalment is one close to my heart. Islay is a wonderful place filled with an archaeological kaleidoscope of sites. All periods from the Mesolithic to the Second World War are amply represented in landscape, monuments and ruins. On this, my 5th visit to the […]
Silchester Bath House 2018 – Final Weeks and Pack Down
After the first half of Archaeology at the University of Reading Field School 2018, it’s clear to see that Silchester was a booming success. Three trenches filled with multi-phase archaeological features and masonry, with wonderful finds and environmental preservation to match, the bath-house was a site that just kept on giving. These photographs show the final weeks of the excavation, including the […]
Silchester Bath House 2018 – Week 3
Wow! What a week! We have had so many wonderful discoveries this week, so let’s get to it! Trench 1: This trench has indeed revealed three columns in total! All three sit in a carved stone plinth, with two being ruined and one where only the base remains. Amazingly, the carved bases still remain and although the uprights are unfluted, […]
Silchester Bath House 2018 – Some Recent Finds
Complete bone hair pin – Trench 3 Carved bone knife handle – Trench 2 Carved bone thread separator for weaving – Trench 2 Roman pottery base with (later?) graffiti – Trench 1 Jet bead – Trench 3 Copper bracelet fragment (twisted) – Trench 3 […]
Silchester Bath House 2018 – Week 2
All three trenches are now open and have had two weeks of excavating students uncovering their archaeological remains. Trench 1: Has uncovered the suspicious decorative tiles in the south side to reveal an intact archway at the end of the latrine. Large amounts of standing masonry has also been uncovered, the alignments of which suggest multiple building phases of the […]
Silchester Bath House 2018- Week 1
The first week of this excavation has uncovered some amazing archaeology. The targetted Bathhouse is survived by both architectural ruins and material culture such as: A latrine of standing walls, archways and plinths. A hypocaust system of structural walling and pilae tile stacks. A possible changing room and adjoining structural features (still to be identified). Tiles with kitten paw prints, […]
The Art of Money
Czibulka Dániel has created a wonderful short film on the Art of Money. The piece looks at the development of iconology within numismatic designs, posing some interesting questions regarding imagery associated with cultural heritage. Make sure you have the sound up for this delightful and educational short documentary (ten minutes). All permissions, credits and rights of this film go to […]