Whoomp! There it is.
Archaeology Grrl has been a little quiet recently. The pandemic chaos has halted all excavations and rearranging all teaching. It has produced an intense level of work and anxiety for all involved and so I thought now would be the ideal time to improve my online presence. And so, on this sunny afternoon in England, I am happy to announce that the Archaeology Grrl Website is now officially live!
This website has been built from scratch and has taken some weeks to complete, but this platform will allow Archaeology Grrl to become much more of a resource for those of you interested in the ancient world. The Facebook page will remain open and will continue to inform you all of lunchtime reading and helpful links, but this site will act as a hub of resources, news and networking. If you are reading this, you have already found the Blog page. Here there will be updates on contemporary issues, new courses, site journals, introductions to elements of history and details of upcoming events.
If you’re curious about my own research, head over to the About Archaeology Grrl page. Here you will find publications, current projects and experience.
If you’re looking for inspiration, head over to the Projects page where you’ll find photos of sites and finds that may be of interest. If you’d like to know more about a site, the blog page has been updated with all the site journals and will offer full details of excavation, processing and post-ex.
The Resources page gives you access to online courses, job offers, networking, groups and societies, research tools and other blogs and websites on interest. It will be updated regularly, so make sure you keep an eye on what it has to offer. If you’re looking for a new skill or what to watch something educational, head over to the Archaeology Grrl YouTube channel where you will find an array of videos all laid out in handy playlists.
The Resources, Blog and YouTube areas are all updated regularly, so make sure you check back for new content. In the
meantime, have an explore and feel free to leave comments and to get in touch. In the next few weeks there will also be a shop launch…yes… you heard that right.