The Internet Archive
Let me introduce you all to https://archive.org/
This is a non-profit, online platform for free resources. They have everything from peer-reviewed papers to childrens films and it’s all for free. You can read old books in ancient languages and the latest magazine edition. They also have archivists writing interesting blogs.
Here are some of the options they have suggested for the use of their amazing site.
Resources for the COVID-19 Outbreak
With COVID-19 (coronavirus) spreading quickly, the Internet Archive is committed to ensuring that everyone has free access to the online resources they need. Here are three ways you can use the Internet Archive today to help you navigate the outbreak.
For Parents and Educators
Schools around the world are shutting down temporarily or indefinitely in response to the virus. How do you make sure that your children can continue learning even outside of the classroom? Here’s a handy guide to using the Internet Archive as an educational tool, along with several collections revolving around popular subject areas.
For Fact-Checkers
The Internet Archive is working hard to ensure that this moment in history is recorded accurately—we’re archiving everything we can that’s related to COVID-19. Not only will this help future researchers understand the spread of modern epidemics, but it provides a useful source of data for current public health experts. The best part is that you can help!
For Anyone In QuarantineADD TO THE ARCHIVE
And as always, the Wayback Machine is humming along, preserving a record of the internet over the past few months. If you need to know exactly who said what and when, look up a URL and follow the flow of information.
Social distancing is becoming increasingly common as people try to reduce their exposure. If you’re stuck at home and need something to do, here’s a compilation of fun activities on the Internet Archive.
Although the spread of the coronavirus is a concern, we’re hard at work ensuring that the best resources are available to everyone—because in times of crisis, free access to information is more important than ever. Thanks for being a part of our community, stay safe, and enjoy the archive!